2011년 12월 2일 금요일

Convenience Store

  If you type 'convenience store part-time job' in the naver, you can see some related search words. Those are 'hourly wages', 'how to pick up the convenience girl'(I don't know why it is there LOL), 'attack to convenience store worker', etc. So, I'm gonna let u know focused on these things. Follow me, guys :)

1) Tips for applying

  I think, in my arrogant opinion, this convenience store part-time job is ranked very low among many part-time jobs. Usually people search part-time job very hard for days and days to choose the best one. And they desperately choose a convenience store part-time job once they reach the situation that find no other alternatives. So, there's no any special tips for applying it, indeed. Of course, they'll demand you of application, but DON'T BE AFRAID of this. Just fill in an application form as they want. And show them! A hundred to one will have to start their working AT THAT MOMENT!

2)Hourly wages

  The minimum wages in Korea is 4,320KW, BUT in almost convenience stores, we are paid lower than that. It is various from 4,000KW to 3,200KW. Rarely are there no supports for food expenses. Personally, I think it's a big social problem and government should manage it.

3) Work

  Basic tasks are cleaning, organizing the products, and disposing of disuse products. The most important thing is to check the expiration date of each product. And you should demand identification card when young-looking customers buy a cigarette or alcohol. You just need to scan the bar-code of products. One of my friend works in GS25, and she said, the most hard thing was  memorizing all the names of various cigarettes.

4) Notice

  Crimes often happen in the convenience store. Since almost every convenience store is being opened all day, some crazy drunken people come and do weird things. Especially women part-time workers should be careful more than men, when they work at night!!!
  Following is the link of one Internet news about crime in convenience store.

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