As I mentioned in 'About' page, there are few Internet sites about part-time jobs such as 'Albamon' and 'Albacheonguk'. Though these are the different sites, almost every feature is quite similar. So, among many sites, I'm gonna introduce one site named 'Albamon' which is the most famous Internet site for searching part-time jobs in Korea. Let's see some pictures together! XD
(You can see a picture if you click it!)
This is the main page of Albamon. You can see lots of banner advertisements here. There are 5 big categories above; recruitment information, job-hunt information, talk about part-time job, personal services, and corporate services. Let's see 3 of them.
First one is a recruitment information. If you choose your address, sex, age and possible dates including period, day of the week and hour, you can see the customized information suitable for you. You can search the recruitment information by job classification, by district, by period and by wages. You can also compare few information; which gives you more high salary, how far is it from your home, etc. Besides, you can clip it and manage it in the 'personal services' category.
Next one is a job-hunt information. It's the opposite of recruitment information. While first one is for people who are searching for the part-time job, this is for companies which are searching for the talented applicants. Many people uploaded their résumé, hoping for be selected by lots of companies. Résumé needs to include a name, sex, age and possible period, day of the week and hour. To be selected, you should appeal your former part-time job experiences. And it could be advantageous to upload your profile picture or show them some of your certificates lists.
The last category is a 'talk about part-time job'. You can ask anything you are curious about general or specific information about part-time job. Then, some experienced people will answer it kindly. There are some tips for applying, so maybe I dare to say that it could be more useful to visit that Internet site than visit my blog...OMG Anyway! There are also some postscripts there, so you can refer to it.
According to a trend of smart phone, you can download a smart phone application and get a lot of information. I hope you find a suitable part-time job for you through ALBAMON!!! :-)
This is a logo song of Albamon by Korean rock group 'Crying Nut'. Enjoy it! :-)
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