2011년 12월 9일 금요일

Internet Site for Searching Part-time Jobs


  As I mentioned in 'About' page, there are few Internet sites about part-time jobs such as 'Albamon' and 'Albacheonguk'. Though these are the different sites, almost every feature is quite similar. So, among many sites, I'm gonna introduce one site named 'Albamon' which is the most famous Internet site for searching part-time jobs in Korea. Let's see some pictures together! XD
(You can see a picture if you click it!)

  This is the main page of Albamon. You can see lots of banner advertisements here. There are 5 big categories above; recruitment information, job-hunt information, talk about part-time job, personal services, and corporate services. Let's see 3 of them.

  First one is a recruitment information. If you choose your address, sex, age and possible dates including period, day of the week and hour, you can see the customized information suitable for you. You can search the recruitment information by job classification, by district, by period and by wages. You can also compare few information; which gives you more high salary, how far is it from your home, etc. Besides, you can clip it and manage it in the 'personal services' category.

  Next one is a job-hunt information. It's the opposite of recruitment information. While first one is for people who are searching for the part-time job, this is for companies which are searching for the talented applicants. Many people uploaded their résumé, hoping for be selected by lots of companies. Résumé needs to include a name, sex, age and possible period, day of the week and hour. To be selected, you should appeal your former part-time job experiences. And it could be advantageous to upload your profile picture or show them some of your certificates lists.

  The last category is a 'talk about part-time job'. You can ask anything you are curious about general or specific information about part-time job. Then, some experienced people will answer it kindly. There are some tips for applying, so maybe I dare to say that it could be more useful to visit that Internet site than visit my blog...OMG Anyway! There are also some postscripts there, so you can refer to it.

  According to a trend of smart phone, you can download a smart phone application and get a lot of information. I hope you find a suitable part-time job for you through ALBAMON!!! :-)

  This is a logo song of Albamon by Korean rock group 'Crying Nut'. Enjoy it! :-)

Roasted Sweet Potato Seller

  I decide to post about roasted sweet potato seller because it's winter! XD Actually it's not a part-time job but it has a character similar to part-time job.

1) Work

  A work is just roasting the sweet potato and selling it. Doesn't it sound easy? :D First, get a roasted sweet potato machine and take your place. It is advantageous to take your place where has a large floating population. But, you know it's quite hard to take a place near the main street because there is a street tax in some places and a major business district has already developed. Anyway, the thing that you need to do is just to take your place and sell it.

2) Pay & Working hours

  Selling roasted sweet potato is a kind of private business, so its working hours are free. But the prime time is from 19:00 to 24:00, because there are lots of floating population in main street or down at that time and it's time to get dark. It means temperature goes down. If you sell the roasted sweet potato near the apartment complex or collective housing area, 19:00 to 23:00 is the proper time, because it's the time that lots of office worker leave their company.

3) How to do it?

  Take the preparations you need and just sell it. Following is everything you need.


 ① Roasted sweet potato machine
  : Mostly people buy a used one. Used gaseous one is about 50,000KW to 250,000KW.

 ② Yellow envelope
  : This envelope is for putting the roasted sweet potato. The reason why you need yellow one is because of the ashes. You can get it on Internet on a volume purchase. It's about 1,000KW to 1,500KW per 100 envelopes.

 ③ Banner
  : Of course you can sell it without banner, but its effect of advertisement is well worth the money. The price of the banner is different depends on the size, but average is 30,000KW to 100,000KW.

 ④ Sweet potato
  : It is the most important preparation. There are all kinds of sweet potatoes; gold sweet potato, pumpkin sweet potato, chestnut sweet potato, etc. Usually people use a pumpkin sweet potato since it has the best value for money.

4) Pros and Cons

  One of advantage is that it's easy to make a good chunk of money on winter. And it could be a good experience to you because you can meet lots of people when you sell it. You can also learn some know-hows and margins.
  And demerit is... IT'S CRAZILY COLD. Some people probably think it's not that cold because there is a fire around sellers, but it doesn't at all. Is winter air a winter air without reason? A glacial winter wind roughens the skin. And margin is not guaranteed, it depends on the selling skills of each seller!


  Buffet part-time job is a representative one-day working! Let's analyze it together :)

1) Works

  Usually, first-birthday party, one hundredth day, one's 60th and 70th birthday celebration is at the buffet. And they're often short of workers at that time, so they hire one-day worker. Though it a quite tough working, lots of students prefer this part-time job because it's a one-day working and mostly on weekend. Their main job is setting the table before the ceremony. Setting the table is not so difficult. You just need to arrange the food from the kitchen. And then, put the spoon, chopsticks, fork and napkin on the table. And then, the war begins as soon as the customers start to come. If the food is run out, you should refill it again and again. Children sometimes drop their food and you should clean them, also. Ask the customers, is it a plate that you've eaten them up. Anway, you should keep in mind that THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT. After the meal time, hundreds of plates are waiting for you, hoping being polished...:o

2) Pay & Hours

  This part-time job usually pays you a daily wage. You might be paid about 50,000KW for 10 hours work a day, so hourly wage is about 5,000KW. Wedding is usually on weekend, so they only need people on weekend. I don't know why it is, but they say Saturday is more busy than Sunday.

3) Advantages and Disadvantages

  An advantage is, it's easy to get a part-time job than you expected because it is an one-day working. Compared to another one-day working such as a day labor or working at a distribution center, there isn't no works like lifting heavy things or such a tough thing, so this is a kind of advantage. The most appeal merit is you can eat the buffet food without limit, and it's especially delicious than ever since you eat it after working.
  But the work is pretty exhausting. This is one thing; it's the picky customers I can't bear. These kind of people make me crazy, but I couldn't help it...omg...

4) Know-how
  The most important thing is to give the best satisfaction to customers. This job is a kind of service which treats customers, so you need to do your best to each customer. Keep the kindness and just do the given tasks. Doing the dishes or handling are repeated tasks, so if you get the knack, it's not difficult. And certainly you should ask to customers this is an empty plate or not. Be careful when you do handling because it's hot!

Private Lesson

  Private lesson is definitely the best high-income part-time job. Nobody can deny it. To teach others, you should study for yourself, so it's like killing two birds with one stone; self development and making money!

1) Works

  All you should do is teaching students. You could focus on the school records or scholastic ability test(수능). It depends on the students. If the student is deficient in some parts, or their parents ask you to teach some parts, you can do it, focusing on that parts. The most important thing is the ability to point out the shortcomings. For example, in case of English, you should catch the deficiency of vocabulary or grammar. It is also important to teach easily focusing on the student's understanding.

2) Pay

  Usually, salary is proportional to grade of students and the numbers of experiences. On average, you are paid from 200,000KW to 400,000KW twice a week for 2 hours of each lesson. If you are a prestigious university student or have lots of private lesson experiences with outstanding ability, or if you teach students who live in Gangnam School District 8, you're gonna paid about 1,000,000KW or more than that.

3) How can you get it?

 ① Flyer
 : Put the flyers in the apartment complex or bus stops which have a large floating population.

 ② Introduction of an acquaintance
 : Get the private lesson by the introduction of an acquaintance. If the network is established well, you can get another private lesson through the word of mouth.

 ③ Community
 : Get a private lesson through community such as Internet Cafe or agencies.

4) Pros and cons

  In terms of money, it's the best part-time job I've ever done and I've ever heard. But I think the greatest reason is not only just because its pay is considerable but also it is a great help to you. You will be fruitful if the students who you taught have a good grade or improve. It seems like your grade being improved.
  But, mental stress could be quite high. If the grade doesn't improve though you taught very hard, you will be unproductive, and feel sorry to not only students but also their parents. And if you meet the unmotivated students who force himself(herself) to study by their parents, they don't participate in the lessons or don't concentrate at all. Preparation time to teach is also pretty long that you think, even sometimes, it takes much longer than private lesson.

  This is a trailer of Korean movie 'My Tutor Friend', and this is about private lesson :-)

Day Labor

1) Work

  When you go to the employment agencies at about 5:00 to 6:00 am, they will assign you a task. What you do is various because different tasks is assigned to employment agencies everyday. The main works are all those tedious chores, waterworks, mowing the lawn at the golf course, agriculture transportation and building the river bank in a field of construction. Tasks are easy but you should strain your bodies and lift heavy things.

** Tips for applying
 : Some employment agencies which are located near the industrial complex such as Ansan or Siwha usually assign you a factory work rather than public works. It could be less hard than other works.

2) Pay

  On average, you might be paid about 60,000KW to 100,000KW per a day work. But the employment agencies charge 10% commission under the pretext of brokerage charge. They pay a daily wage after the working in cash immediately.

3) How to get it?

  Visit the employment agency with your identification card in the morning or call the several agencies the night before and ask them is there a work tomorrow or not. You can go there personally or if there is a shuttle bus, you can take it.

4) Merits and Demerits

  One advantage is you can get a money immediately that day. There isn't any qualifying condition, of course mostly they only choose men^^;
  A fatal disadvantage is dangerous. You should strain your muscles and you're not sure which tasks you're gonna do. It could hurt your bodies when you lift heavy things if you don't have a knack. Besides, it's not a fixed income. You will be covered with dust and it's awfully cold on winter and terribly hot on summer.

5) Personal Opinion

  It's worth trying for young generation to study the life. But just during a short period! It's a good part-time job if you need money right now, but it's not good for your health in a long-term view. I recommend you another part-time jobs, indeed.

2011년 12월 8일 목요일

Clinical Test

  A clinical test is an experiment to people before the release of medicine in the market. The main purpose of this test is comparing the new medicine which is made by same ingredient of existing medicine to original one about its absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion in the body. So, basic safety is somehow guaranteed.

  You should have a medical check-up before experiment, so unqualified person will not be accepted. This work brings in a good income because it's a clinical test. Therefore, usually poor and healthy university students apply it.

  Some clinical tests demand hospitalization for few days and bring a medicine everyday, so it could be such a nuisance.

  One thing that you should keep in mind is, you could be refused by an insurance company when you wanna take up an insurance policy. Who accepts the customer who has ever eaten hypertension medicine or antidiabetic before? Nobody.

  Degree of risk is different depending on the medicine of each experiment. If the risk is high, a drug manufacturer should announce it to subjects in advance. Because it could be a serious legal problem if something happens. After all, all decisions rely on one's ownself.

  But, though this is a part-time job that safety is guaranteed, various incidents are bound to happen. Following shows a risk of clinical experiment obviously.


2011년 12월 4일 일요일

Office Assistant

  This part-time job could be a good work experience in the future. Even sometimes, if someone does well on their works, some companies select them as an intern. So, pay attention to this page with your eyes wide open! :D

1) Tips for applying
 Companies prefer to people who live near the company, so as to ask them for help at any time, and people who can work longer, not just during vacation, or on weekend. If you're not in situation that work longer, why don't you just lie to them? :P
 Few computer skills such as dealing with excel, powerpoint or MS word and fast typing are needed, of course. Maybe you'll have a simple interview with a personnel manager, but do not feel so worried about that.
 There are lots of companies which are looking for suitable person for their company in Gasan Digital Complex Station and Guro Digital Complex Station. So, if u are interested in this kind of part-time jobs, search some online part-time job agency such as Albamon or Albacheonguk, focus on these districts that I mentioned above! :D

2) Hourly wage

  Hourly wage is different, depends on the companies. Usually, we are paid minimum wages, but almost got an overtime pay if you work Monday to Friday over 30 hrs. Food expenses are also supported because usually quite big companies have their own cafeteria. It means, you don't have to pay for your meal while you're working. It's so reasonable!

3) Work & Notices
 It's just a simple labor. If a manager send some materials to you, you have only to type and review it. There's a fixed break time for 20 minutes per one and a half hour working.
 But it could injure your health because you sit in front of the computer all day, so hardly it there no time to exercise. And it could hurt your eyes, also.
 It's warm in winter and cool in summer since it's an inside work. Usually there is a cabinet for each person, so that you can put your personal belongings.
 Actually, I really recommend you this part-time job because since you work with professionals and hands-on workers, you can learn real working experience through this part-time job, though it's a chore! :D


1) Tips & Works

  Serving is a basic of basic part-time job. There aren't many things to learn, hourly wage is normal, and literally you just do the serving. Of course, at first, you should do the dishes and clean the store.
  First, serving is tough. Mostly, restaurant needs serving worker and it's really hard when the people are crowded in the lunch or dinner time. But the most demanding thing is, you should admit your fault, though it's not your fault, indeed. You are finished just as you get angry to customers. You should not pretend to be upset, even if you got upset. In other words, what is important is 'KINDNESS'. Think on the contrary to this. I mean, think about the situation that you are a customer. If I welcome the customers with a face wreathed in smiles, they also will be happy. Always smile when you take an order. If you think something is deficient in some table, take care of them before they demand it.

2) Examples

  Let's see the representative serving part-time job! XD

1> BBQ restaurant(고깃집)

 ① Main working
 : Working in BBQ restaurant is somehow similar to each other; change the hot grill, table setting, serving, cut the meat and do the dishes.

 ② Pay & Time
 : It's considerable related to convenience store or cafe. It's about 5,000KW to 7,000KW per hour. Usually in case of BBQ restaurant, the most busy time is from 17:00 to 24:00. Or, we are paid 30,000KW to 40,000KW per day.

 ③ How can you get this part-time job?
  : Mostly, they post help-want ad in front of the door. So, pay attention to door of BBQ restaurant near your home.

2> Pub

 ① Main working
 : The main works in pub are divided into 7 parts; clean the store, take an order, table setting, clean the table, serving, counter, and extra works.

 ② Pay
 : I searched the wants columns on the Internet, and the average is about 5,000KW per hour. If they say "Pay needs discussion", it is sure that pay is below minimum wages. You should make sure this thing.

 ③ Disadvantage
 : Cigarette smoke is inevitable in the pub. Non-smokers really feel dizzy and even smokers also don't like other's cigarette smoke. Especially it's not good for health, so I think it's too much to work longer. And what makes worse is, maybe sometimes you should clean up the vomit...:S


1) Tips for applying & Hourly wage

  An appearance of women and height of men are regarded quite important when selecting an appropriate person for cafe, since it is a service-sector job. Besides, cafe is not just a place to drink a cup of coffee but it became a kind of cultural icon, so many different kinds of people visit cafe. And it means, worker's impression is also important. As other part-time jobs do, people who live near the working place is more advantageous than others. And in case of barista, they should know how to make a coffee and all side menus. For this reason, owners usually prefer to person who can work longer. Recipes to make a coffee could be a little bit different, depend on the cafe, but almost same. So, people who have worked in similar field are more favorable to be selected as a part-time worker.

2) Work

  First, you should  know what 'barista' means. Barista is a person who choose coffee beans and satisfy the customers with coffee. Barista is an Italian word which means 'a person who makes in the bar', and it is used as a general meaning that calls people who extract coffee beans in Korea.

  Barista should know how to extract espresso and apply it well. Sorting out the best coffee beans, purchasing coffee beans and extra ingredients, storing, etc. Barista is responsible for all these things. They should sample a coffee everyday, so as to make a new and fresh coffee suitable for customer's taste. As the quality of life becoming more wealthy, people started to have lots of interest on barista.

  If you are selected as a part-time worker, maybe you won't make a coffee at first. Firstly, you have to clean the cafe and do the dishes, step by step. Once you're adapted to working, you'll make a simple tea or beverage, and then, COFFEE! It's hard to memorize all the things since there are various kinds of coffee. But you just need to follow the recipe.

** I want to introduce one cafe named 'Benir' which is located in the backgate. One of the reason that I love this cafe is because of its lovely interior. It's so CHARMING! Besides, the taste of the coffee is really good and the price is also not that expensive, compared to big coffee shop such as Starbucks or Cafe Bene :-) Here is the photo of the counter in Benir. Doesn't it look so cu---te? :D


1) Tips for applying

  This is a working that handles money, so it isn't a job for everyone. Usually, a shopkeeper does it in restaurants, but in a reading room, motel, big malls or indoor golf driving range, a part-time worker replaces it. You need nimble fingers for this working, and elaborate and meticulous nature is needed. As other part-time jobs do, in hiring, a company gives preference to applicants with experience in that field. Money is a sensitive part, so they prefer a person with good impression in principle.

2) Hourly wages & Work

  Conditions vary from field to field. They are paid about nearly 5,000KW. It looks very easy because we only need to count the money, but it doesn't at all. Actually, this is a part-time job that many people don't like that much.

  In case of an indoor golf driving range, quite rich people usually visit there, so its hourly wage is good. In some places, they are paid by the month.
  In case of a reading room, there aren't so many things to do. Besides, it's really good since you could study your own things at the same time while you are working.
  It's really hard to work in the big malls. But you do the same things everyday. So, though it's hard, but not so difficult. The most important thing is not to make a deficit.

Movie Theater

1) Tips for applying

  I've worked in movie theater before, so I dare to say this is one of the best works among many part-time jobs. Let me say some tips for applying.
  First of all, this is a kind of service working. So, once you are selected in an application competition, you'd better prepare some simple answers for interview. They'll ask you about your former experiences in service working field and some personal questions to catch your character. You should show your bright side through facial expressions or gestures to pass this interview. In my case, I showed them lots of movie tickets that I collected until now in my wallet, it was over 50, so I impressed them and was selected :) I think the most important thing is, definitely, SMILE :):):) SHOW YOUR SMILE AND BE POLITE. These are all you nee.

2) Hourly wages

  Let me say the conclusion, first. It's quite considerable. But, you know, almost every movie company is very big, so u should insure obligatorily. If the insurances are applied, probably you will get an only 90% of your pay(In my case, I've worked in Lotte Cinema, and it was about 4,700KW per hour). But, if you work at night over 10 pm, you can get an additional pay, maybe one and a half, and working on holidays also! So, if you work on holiday night over 10 pm, it means you can get more than twice! :O It's amazing, indeed. Besides, if you work over 10 pm, you can get a taxi fare about 4,000KW. Actually, these look similar to other various part-time jobs BUT it doesn't!!! The most precious thing is that you can see the movies FOR FREE...♥ Film price is very high, these days, 8,000KW for adults and 9,000KW on weekend! What makes worse is, even 3D film is 13,000KW...OMG... BUT it's free if you work in movie theater :-)

3) Work

  There are 5 parts of working in movie theater, generally : ticket agent, ticket inspector, information desk, ARS, and cleaner. The details of each part are the following.

 ①Ticket agent 
: Nearly there is an automatic ticket selling-machine in every theater. Before, it was a role of information desk which is responsible for selling ticket. But now, only one person is enough to explain the process of buying ticket to customers in front of the automatic ticket selling-machine.
  If some customers are wandering, approach them to help. And, you only need to touch the screen of selling-machine according to the process. BUT, buying tickets in some payment such as gift certificate, using mileage are only possible in the information desk, so u should inform these facts to customers.

 ②Ticket inspector
: This is the most easy work among these 5 things. You just check the tickets in front of the gate of each theater. But, one important thing is that you should sort out some young customers who try to see a movie which minors are not allowed to watch. Many people think its exact age requirement is 19, but it doesn't. Though someone is 20 years old, if (s)he is a (high school) student, (s)he cannot see it. So, if you give attention to this, I bet there is no more hard thing :P

 ③Information desk
: This is the most difficult position. Mostly, only women do this position, of course men do it very occasionally. This plays an important role, because they are responsible for solving the problems which are impossible in an automatic ticket selling-machine. We should memorize all kind of discount cards. Except this, there are hundreds of things to do. We have to memorize some discounts from discount for disabled person, the aged to school pass(allows teachers to watch the movies for free). All tedious chores are also works of information desk like a refund or ticket exchange. We should acquire the know-how to do this position.  

: Only experienced people can do this position. You just need to answer the phones. We say without facing the customer's faces, so  it's easy to make a mistake and could be more hard than information desk. The main task of this position is to reserve the tickets. One things you should pay attention is that through ARS, customers can only reserve the tickets, not pay the money ahead! 

: A clean position is one of the most hard positions, but at the same time, it's one of the most easy position. Literally, they just clean the theaters and toilets. In a peak season(during vacation or weekend), it's really tough. But it's just a cleaning simply, so there's no source of anxiety. They arrange and clean up the baby seats, 3D glasses and fallen pop corns and beverage.

4) Advantage

  One advantage of working in the movie theater is, there are many opportunities to see the celebrities(Actually, I mentioned one thing above; can see a movie for free). The more the theater is large, the more often celebrities come. In the preview party, you should be responsible for helping the celebrities leave the stage, so you can see them very closely!!! XD
  Following is the time when Korean famous actor came to pre-release party to promote his movie, 아저씨. I love it!!! :O

  And this is a picture that I took by myself when I worked in Lotte Cinema! Han Hyojoo is crazily pretty @.@

5) Preparations & Rules

  Working in movie theater is a service-sector job, so there are some rules to follow in uniforms and hair. Men are not so strict, but women are quite severe. Bangs are not allowed and you should tie your hair back with a hair net. You should put on VERY RED lipstick. You should wear a uniform and black loafers. No nail polish, accessories except watch, and NO MOBILE PHONE! :(

** I wanna share one movie that I watched most lately. Its name is 'real steel', and this is an official trailer. Enjoy it! XD (Actually, though I've already seen it, I feel so excited even now :D)

2011년 12월 2일 금요일

Convenience Store

  If you type 'convenience store part-time job' in the naver, you can see some related search words. Those are 'hourly wages', 'how to pick up the convenience girl'(I don't know why it is there LOL), 'attack to convenience store worker', etc. So, I'm gonna let u know focused on these things. Follow me, guys :)

1) Tips for applying

  I think, in my arrogant opinion, this convenience store part-time job is ranked very low among many part-time jobs. Usually people search part-time job very hard for days and days to choose the best one. And they desperately choose a convenience store part-time job once they reach the situation that find no other alternatives. So, there's no any special tips for applying it, indeed. Of course, they'll demand you of application, but DON'T BE AFRAID of this. Just fill in an application form as they want. And show them! A hundred to one will have to start their working AT THAT MOMENT!

2)Hourly wages

  The minimum wages in Korea is 4,320KW, BUT in almost convenience stores, we are paid lower than that. It is various from 4,000KW to 3,200KW. Rarely are there no supports for food expenses. Personally, I think it's a big social problem and government should manage it.

3) Work

  Basic tasks are cleaning, organizing the products, and disposing of disuse products. The most important thing is to check the expiration date of each product. And you should demand identification card when young-looking customers buy a cigarette or alcohol. You just need to scan the bar-code of products. One of my friend works in GS25, and she said, the most hard thing was  memorizing all the names of various cigarettes.

4) Notice

  Crimes often happen in the convenience store. Since almost every convenience store is being opened all day, some crazy drunken people come and do weird things. Especially women part-time workers should be careful more than men, when they work at night!!!
  Following is the link of one Internet news about crime in convenience store.