2011년 12월 4일 일요일


1) Tips & Works

  Serving is a basic of basic part-time job. There aren't many things to learn, hourly wage is normal, and literally you just do the serving. Of course, at first, you should do the dishes and clean the store.
  First, serving is tough. Mostly, restaurant needs serving worker and it's really hard when the people are crowded in the lunch or dinner time. But the most demanding thing is, you should admit your fault, though it's not your fault, indeed. You are finished just as you get angry to customers. You should not pretend to be upset, even if you got upset. In other words, what is important is 'KINDNESS'. Think on the contrary to this. I mean, think about the situation that you are a customer. If I welcome the customers with a face wreathed in smiles, they also will be happy. Always smile when you take an order. If you think something is deficient in some table, take care of them before they demand it.

2) Examples

  Let's see the representative serving part-time job! XD

1> BBQ restaurant(고깃집)

 ① Main working
 : Working in BBQ restaurant is somehow similar to each other; change the hot grill, table setting, serving, cut the meat and do the dishes.

 ② Pay & Time
 : It's considerable related to convenience store or cafe. It's about 5,000KW to 7,000KW per hour. Usually in case of BBQ restaurant, the most busy time is from 17:00 to 24:00. Or, we are paid 30,000KW to 40,000KW per day.

 ③ How can you get this part-time job?
  : Mostly, they post help-want ad in front of the door. So, pay attention to door of BBQ restaurant near your home.

2> Pub

 ① Main working
 : The main works in pub are divided into 7 parts; clean the store, take an order, table setting, clean the table, serving, counter, and extra works.

 ② Pay
 : I searched the wants columns on the Internet, and the average is about 5,000KW per hour. If they say "Pay needs discussion", it is sure that pay is below minimum wages. You should make sure this thing.

 ③ Disadvantage
 : Cigarette smoke is inevitable in the pub. Non-smokers really feel dizzy and even smokers also don't like other's cigarette smoke. Especially it's not good for health, so I think it's too much to work longer. And what makes worse is, maybe sometimes you should clean up the vomit...:S

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