2011년 12월 9일 금요일


  Buffet part-time job is a representative one-day working! Let's analyze it together :)

1) Works

  Usually, first-birthday party, one hundredth day, one's 60th and 70th birthday celebration is at the buffet. And they're often short of workers at that time, so they hire one-day worker. Though it a quite tough working, lots of students prefer this part-time job because it's a one-day working and mostly on weekend. Their main job is setting the table before the ceremony. Setting the table is not so difficult. You just need to arrange the food from the kitchen. And then, put the spoon, chopsticks, fork and napkin on the table. And then, the war begins as soon as the customers start to come. If the food is run out, you should refill it again and again. Children sometimes drop their food and you should clean them, also. Ask the customers, is it a plate that you've eaten them up. Anway, you should keep in mind that THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT. After the meal time, hundreds of plates are waiting for you, hoping being polished...:o

2) Pay & Hours

  This part-time job usually pays you a daily wage. You might be paid about 50,000KW for 10 hours work a day, so hourly wage is about 5,000KW. Wedding is usually on weekend, so they only need people on weekend. I don't know why it is, but they say Saturday is more busy than Sunday.

3) Advantages and Disadvantages

  An advantage is, it's easy to get a part-time job than you expected because it is an one-day working. Compared to another one-day working such as a day labor or working at a distribution center, there isn't no works like lifting heavy things or such a tough thing, so this is a kind of advantage. The most appeal merit is you can eat the buffet food without limit, and it's especially delicious than ever since you eat it after working.
  But the work is pretty exhausting. This is one thing; it's the picky customers I can't bear. These kind of people make me crazy, but I couldn't help it...omg...

4) Know-how
  The most important thing is to give the best satisfaction to customers. This job is a kind of service which treats customers, so you need to do your best to each customer. Keep the kindness and just do the given tasks. Doing the dishes or handling are repeated tasks, so if you get the knack, it's not difficult. And certainly you should ask to customers this is an empty plate or not. Be careful when you do handling because it's hot!

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